Garage Door Maintenance Extends The Life Of Your Garage Doors
Broken garage door springs are common and to be expected. The average life of a garage door spring is about 8 years. That’s based on 4 cycles per day: open to leave in the morning, close after you leave, open when you come home after work, close when the car is in the garage. Additionally, more and more though families use their garage door as a common entry and exit point for the house. Modern garage doors with coded keypads and smart phone apps make it easy for kids to get in and out of the house without the need to carry a house key with them. This means those garage doors are getting used way more than 4 cycles per day and could reduce the life of your garage door springs, motors, cables, and other parts. A well maintained garage door can provide you years of additional service.
Regularly Serviced Garage Doors Are Safer
A garage door expert like All About Garaged Doors can provide regular maintenance to keep your garage door in tip-top operating condition. This is particularly important when you consider that tens of thousands of people are injured in garage door accidents each year. Think about it. Your garage door is most likely the heaviest moving part in your home. Make sure it’s always as safe as possible with regular maintenance. Don’t become a statistic!